The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 6

Here’s some advice for parents,  Pray: Ask for higher assistance when you are irritated.  Understand that they are visual – right-brain dominant people have visual memories instead of language-based ones. They’ll memorize how spelling words “look” instead of how they sound.  Attachment parenting – This is a philosophy that advises parents to physically and emotionally bond with their child through sensitive response when the child cries, breastfeeding, carrying the infant in a baby sling, sleeping with the child and providing a gentle home environment.  Talk to, not down – They dislike patronization. Have discussions on friendly levels.  Chanting and peaceful music – These are excellent ways to get your kids to wind down after a busy day.  Schooling – Parents are best to home-school or at least school additionally after school. When parents help these children study, they see immediate results.  Pay attention and tell the truth – These kids don’t like to be ignored. They can always tell if you lie or bend the truth. Always keep your promise.  Have patience.  Show consistency.  Learn from them. Explain don’t force - forcing leads to power struggles. Compromising is better.  become aware of your own divine guidance.   Live and let live – allow your child to be who they are. When they come home from school angry, they are tired of being caged up all day. Let them run and feel their emotions. Take care of yourself – Engage in yoga or meditation to Good luck on your parenting journey of these incredible beings of light.