The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #30, May 2015 | Page 18

Clothing, bed, pillow, cushion, car, etc. Maybe you can increase mileage of petrol by placing mandalas on the air filter, carburettor or petrol tank of your car? How about reducing harmful energy coming from computers and TVs? Place an Atlantis mandala near the screen. Place some on any equipment with suspected or known bad energies. Hope this amazing mandala benefits you and help you lead a healthier and energetic life. Namaste! Mandala: “Sanskrit: sacred circle, with the circle symbolizing the womb of creation. Mandalas are geometric designs made through uniform divisions of a circle. The divisions are symbols that embody the mathematical principles found throughout creation and reveal the inner workings of nature and the inherent order of the universe. Mandalas act as a bridge between the different dimensions or realms. They are gateways that link your consciousness to realms of archetypes. For thousands of years mandalas have served as a means to expanded thinking. The images are beyond language and the rational mind. They bring about wisdom of universal knowledge and a deeper understanding of human consciousness.”