The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #29, April 2015 | Page 5
What Is Adrenal Fatigue?
Adrenal Fatigue is somewhat
undiagnosed by physician and is
considered a 21st century
syndrome. When one endocrine
gland is taxed, the entire
endocrine system can be off
causing thyroid and sex hormones
(oestrogen, progesterone, and
testosterone) to also be low. This
is how AF often gets
misdiagnosed. Symptoms are
treated instead of the underlying
cause. Adrenals glands are taxed
when stress is a constant factor,
through lack of sleep and/or lack
of nutrients. We live in a world of
no rest is best and the more you
can “do” the better you are. We no
longer get support from our
families or tribes and try to do it
all within our own family
unit. Over exercising may make
symptoms worse. Try yoga,
walking and breathing/meditation
The adrenals are most known as
the stress busters who regulate
the flight or fight
response. However, the adrenals
also regulate blood pressure,
blood sugar and take over for the
ovaries after
menopause. Mothers and fathers
most often suffer from AF as they
do a lot of late night parenting and
their body begins to run in reverse
(awake during night and sleepy
during the day). Most often AF is a
dis-ease that you can self-diagnose
and heal through a certain
protocol. You may however want
to get saliva testing to truly check
them. Remember it took years to
deplete your adrenals and it may
take time to bring them
back. Getting sound, solid sleep is
a high priority.
You may suffer from sleeplessness
nights - maybe you wake
between 1am and 3am - this could
be because your blood sugar