The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #29, April 2015 | Page 20

Our Divine Breath When we breathe, we breathe in that radiant fuel of life. Not only is good quality air full of oxygen, but it is full of the life-force energy around us. This is the same energy that is channelled in Reiki, gathered in Tai Chi, and released and balanced during acupuncture. It is the subtle energy we consciously feel when we sense that someone is “laid back” or “intense”. Each person’s pattern of energy is as unique to them as their fingerprints. All living things are made up of energy. We are all connected to animals, plant life and other human beings. The breath connects us to our divine source and has been given to us to remind us down to the core of our being who we are. Breathing is one if the best gifts we can give our body, mind and spirit. We bathe all layers of our self with this energy every time we inhale, and then we release toxins, stress and any unhealthy energies every time we exhale. By learning to breathe properly you can have a more balanced, happy and healthy life. Breathe into every organ, every fibre of your soul. Allow each part of your body to work optimally by giving it life-force energy. When the vital reserves in the human energy field or aura are depleted through illness, environmental pollutants, or stress, we suffer disease. If we replenish this vital energy, we can ensure our health and vitality and extend our lives. Watch a dog or cat the next time it yawns. Fido or Fifi will open their jaws completely as if they were a snake devouring its prey. We can learn a lot by watching animals, especially in the wild. When we yawn, it is because we need more energy or oxygen to our cells. Why shouldn’t we yawn like a great lion, taking in as much oxygen as our body needs? Society tells us to cover our mouths as if we were coughing, when we’re not expelling at all, we’re inhaling. So go ahead. Take that deep, unabandoned yawn and give your body the energy bath it deserves.