The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #29, April 2015 | Page 18
the world. When the satellite
moon finally overloaded, a lot of
earthquakes, volcanoes and
eventually the “Great Flood”
occurred. Before it did, many of
these wise Atlanteans departed
by ship and possibly other
vehicles and dispersed
throughout the world in places
like England where they created
Stonehenge, South and Central
America where several
pyramids are still being found,
and of course Egypt, the most
famous pyramid civilization of
them all.
capstone was alloy, copper,
brass and gold. The Great
Pyramid is a record in stone of
man’s earliest beginnings to
present day written in
geometry, algebra and
These lands have myths of
“other” beings or wise ones
coming to aid their society.
These beings looked decidedly
The Great Pyramid of Giza is
one of the Seven Wonde rs of the
World. Through past life
regressions like those of Edgar
Cayce, we’ve suspected it was
more than just a burial
chamber. It was originally built
as a hall to initiate those
dedicating themselves to the
secrets of the mystery religion
of Egypt and was meant for holy
services. Supposedly, it was
built by levitation via song and
chanting, much in the same way
Stonehenge was placed. Its
All pyramids are a storehouse
of energy. Many frequencies in
pyramids resonate together in
the same way two piano keys
are struck simultaneously.
Patrick Flanagan, an American
scientist, claims that pyramid
energy prolongs life. He
believes that the Great Pyramid
is a powerful source of biocosmic energy. This is life-force
energy isolated. Think of the
Biblical Ark of the Covenant and