The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #28, March 2015 | Page 42

analgesic properties, which in healing wounds and ulcers faster. Prevents irregular menstrual cycle: The juice of bamboo leaves corrects irregular menstrual cycle if taken regularly. Apart from that, they also help with other gynaecological problems such as heavy flow and cramps. Induces labour: Bamboo shoots are listed as an uterotonic plant that increases uterine contractions and they are used as a medicinal supplement for a pending delivery in the last month of pregnancy. Promotes digestive health: Bamboo shoots cure digestive problems such as gastroenteritis and diarrhoea. In rare occasions, bamboo shoots have also been used as a remedy to remove intestinal worms. Lowers blood pressure: Due to the high level of potassium content in bamboo shoots, they are recommended for maintaining and reducing blood pressure. They are also known to reduce depression, anxiety and mental alertness.