The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times, Issue #27, February 2015 | Page 13
As for secondary
education, meaning the six
years that follow the
elementary education,
refer to the six skies of the
Kingdoms of Heavens,
which the human being
ascend to and rise in them
by applying what he
learned and working by it
in order that he may know
the truths, meaning,
working by the acts of
worship and fighting the
self and the devil and the
world and its ornaments.
Consequently, the result of
working will be rising in
the six perfect partial skies
of the Kingdoms of
Heavens. And this is
exactly what you do after
you finish the elementary
education, since you used
in the secondary education
what you learned in the
elementary education which is how to read and
write - in reading and
solving problems and
knowing new sciences and
acquiring information from
As for college, in it you
were learning in order to
apply, meaning you were
being prepared through
your education in college
to teach others or benefit
others regarding what they
are incapable of doing. And
this matter is completely
identical to the knowing
that is acquired by the
Prophets in the Seventh
Complete Sky; in order that
they may be prepared to be
sent, which is also identical
to what the college
graduate does.
Meaning, the Prophets also
when they are sent they
teach others or benefit
them regarding what they
are incapable of doing, and
the teaching of the
Prophet's to others is
known. As for their benefit
to others, perhaps that
would be clear to you if
you return to the
economical work of Joseph
(a.s) or the political or the
social, of him and others
than him from the sent
Prophets (a.s).
As for your vision
particularly, it means that
you are from the people of