The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 90
The purpose of this lesson is
to impress upon the minds of
our students the fact that to
all intents and purposes, the
Universe and its laws and its
phenomena are just as REAL,
so far as Man is concerned as
they would be under the
hypotheses of Materialism or
Energism. Under any
hypothesis the Universe in its
outer aspect is changing, everflowing, and transitory - and
therefore devoid of
substantiality and reality.
But (note the other pole of the
truth) under the same
hypotheses, we are compelled
to ACT AND LIVE as if the
fleeting things were real and
substantial. With this
difference, always, between
the various hypotheses - that
under the old views Mental
Power was ignored as a
Natural Force, while under
Mentalism it becomes the
Greatest Natural Force. And
this one difference
revolutionizes Life, to those
who understand the Principle
and its resulting laws and
So, finally, students all, grasp
the advantage of Mentalism
and learn to know, use and
apply the laws resulting
therefrom. But do not yield to
the temptation which as The
Kybalion states, overcomes the
half-wise and which causes
them to be hypnotized by the
apparent unreality of things,
the consequence being that
they wander about like dreampeople dwelling in a world of
dreams, ignoring the practical
work and life of man, the end
being that "they are broken
against the rocks and torn
asunder by the elements by
reason of their folly." Rather
follow the example of the wise,
which the same authority
states, "use Law against Laws;
the higher against the lower;
and by the Art of Alchemy
transmute that which is
undesirable into that which is
worthy and thus triumph."
Following the authority, let us
avoid the half-wisdom (which
is folly) which ignores the
truth that, "Mastery consists
not in abnormal dreams,
visions and fantastic
imaginings or living, but in
using the higher forces against
the lower - escaping the pains
of the lower planes by
vibrating on the higher."
Remember always, student,