The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 85
or whether it be a Mental
Creation in the Mind of THE
ALL - it is unsubstantial, nonenduring, a thing of time,
space and change.
We want you to realize this
fact thoroughly, before you
pass judgment on the
Hermetic conception of the
Mental nature of the Universe.
Think over any and all of the
other conceptions and see
whether this be not true of
But the Absolute point of view
shows merely one side of the
picture - the other side is the
Relative one. Absolute Truth
has been defined as "Things as
the mind of God knows them,"
while Relative Truth is "Things
as the highest reason of Man
understands them."
And so while to THE ALL the
Universe must be unreal and
illusionary, a mere dream or
result of meditation,
nevertheless, to the finite
minds forming a part of that
Universe and viewing it
through mortal faculties, the
Universe is very real indeed
and must be so considered.
In recognizing the Absolute
view, we must not make the
mistake of ignoring or denying
the facts and phenomena of
the Universe as they present
themselves to our mortal
faculties - we are not THE ALL,
To take familiar illustrations,
we all recognize the fact that
matter "exists" to our senses we will fare badly if we do not.
And yet, even our finite minds
understand the scientific
dictum that there is no such
thing as Matter from a
scientific point of view - that
which we call Matter is held to
be merely an aggregation of
atoms, which atoms