The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 72
of inquiry, particularly as they
agree with the reports of the
Illumined on higher planes.
And to this inquiry we now
invite you.
"THAT which is the
Fundamental Truth - the
Substantial Reality - is beyond
true naming, but the Wise Men
call it THE ALL." - The
"In its Essence, THE ALL is
UNKNOWABLE." - The Kybalion.
"But, the report of Reason
must be hospitably received,
and treated with respect." The Kybalion.
The human reason whose
reports we must accept so
long as we think at all informs
us as follows regarding THE
ALL and that without
attempting to remove the veil
of the Unknowable:
(1) THE ALL must be ALL that
REALLY IS. There can be
nothing existing outside of
THE ALL, else THE ALL would
not be THE ALL.
(2) THE ALL must be INFINITE,
for there is nothing else to
define, confine, bound, limit;
or restrict THE ALL.
It must be Infinite in Time, or
ETERNAL, - it must have
always continuously existed,
for there is nothing else to
have ever created it, and
something can never evolve
from nothing, and if it had
ever "not been," even for a
moment, it would not "be"
now, - it must continuously
exist forever, for there is
nothing to destroy it, and it
can never "not-be," even for a
moment, because something
can never become nothing. It
must be Infinite in Space - it
must be Everywhere, for there
is no place outside of THE
ALL—it cannot be otherwise
than continuous in Space,
without break, cessation,
separation, or interruption, for
there is nothing to break,
separate, or interrupt its
continuity, and nothing
with which to "fill in the gaps."
It must be Infinite in Power, or
Absolute, for there is nothing
to limit, restrict, restrain,
confine, disturb or condition it
- it is subject to no other
Power, for there is no other
(3) THE ALL must be
IMMUTABLE, or not subject to
change in its real nature, for