The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 62
Every Male thing has the
Female Element also; every
Female contains also the Male
Principle. If you would
understand the philosophy of
Mental and Spiritual Creation,
Generation and Re-generation,
you must understand and
study this Hermetic Principle.
It contains the solution of
many mysteries of Life.
We caution you that this
Principle has no
reference to the many
base, pernicious and
degrading lustful
theories, teachings and
practices, which are
taught under fanciful
titles and which are a
prostitution of the great
natural principle
of Gender.
Such base revivals of the
ancient infamous forms of
Phallicism tend to ruin mind,
body and soul and the
Hermetic Philosophy has ever
sounded the warning note
against these degraded
teachings which tend toward
lust, licentiousness and
perversion of Nature's
If you seek such teachings,
you must go elsewhere for
them - Hermeticism contains
nothing for you along these
lines. To the pure, all things
are pure; to the base, all things
are base.