The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 58
Negative"? The Principle of
Polarity explains these
paradoxes, and no other
Principle can supersede it. The
same Principle operates on the
Mental Plane. Let us take a
radical and extreme example-that of "Love and Hate," two
mental states apparently
totally different. And yet there
are degrees of Hate and
degrees of Love, and a middle
point in which we use the
terms "Like or Dislike," which
shade into each other so
gradually that sometimes we
are at a loss to know whether
we "like" or "dislike" or
"neither." And all are simply
degrees of the same thing, as
you will see if you will but
think a moment. And, more
than this (and considered of
more importance by the
Hermetists), it is possible to
change the vibrations of Hate
to the vibrations of Love, in
one's own mind and in the
minds of others. Many of you,
who read these lines, have had
personal experiences of the
involuntary rapid transition
from Love to Hate and the
reverse, in your own case and
that of others. And you will
therefore realize the
possibility of this being
accomplished by the use of the
Will, by means of the Hermetic
formulas. "Good and Evil" are
but the poles of the same
thing and the Hermetist
understands the art of
transmuting Evil into Good by
means of an application of the
Principle of Polarity. In short,
the "Art of Polarization"
becomes a phase of "Mental
Alchemy" known and practiced
by the ancient and modern
Hermetic Masters. An
understanding of the Principle
will enable one to change his
own Polarity, as well as that of
others, if he will devote the
time and study necessary to
master the art.
5. The Principle of Rhythm
"Everything flows, out and
in; everything has its tides; all
things rise and fall; the
pendulum-swing manifests in
everything; the measure of the
swing to the right is the
measure of the swing to the
left; rhythm compensates." –
The Kybalion.
This Principle embodies the
truth that in everything there
is manifested a measured
motion, to and fro; a flow and