The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 36
The energy of late is so intense
and powerful that the planetary
alignments and movements are
bringing fourth strong
emotional responses which is
also influencing the lower fields
and playing out in the energy of
greed, separation and war.
It all stems from fear.
Fear of loss, fear of not
knowing, being plunged into a
psychological abyss.
These thoughts and emotional
responses come from a place of
intense stress and distortion of
the energetic body impulses
upon the endocrines leading to
the physiological system deterioration and weakness on
all levels resulting in low
vibration and a downward
spiral imprinting upon the
collective field of consciousness
in lower fields. It is mostly
negative people are in fear, who
are in denial and find blame on
situations or others,
disempowering them further
into the energy.
When we resist growth or
change, it traps us in stagnation
which stores and develops all
kinds of build ups of energ y that
grow into harmful blockages on
different levels of our reality.
Until we can no longer hold
symmetry and there is a
breaking point. This is what all
illusions begin to play out in
negative ways in the need to
push through into new light and
Let go.
Surrender to the fluidity of
Embrace the new for if you
resist it, the cycle will begin
over at more intensity until you
let go.
But know oh reader, that as
negative as things on the
surface may appear, it is the
Law that everything in the
world of forms has an equal and
opposite pole, a positive and
negative potential and essence
that is equal in measure,
depending on the trend or
tendency, it has the capacity to
unfold towards its highest or
lowest manifestation and
transform into something
harmful or beneficial either
The power of good far
surmounts the power of evil.
The universe and creation goes
toward excellence and every
cycle purifies itself of anything
less. The entire creation has a