The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #26 January 2015 | Page 32

Atlanteans inherently knew the influence that the elements and bodies of creation. From the earths devas, stars and luminaries and influence of all celestial beings. There is a harmonic unfolding of all of Life and creation. Man as the initiator and medium between the world of forms and the spiritual realms directing and anchoring spiritual energies with the assistance of divine forces in the physical world. the sake of Allah (azawajal) our intentions are already set into action by the forces tuned into the same fields in creation. Because they are all linked in and ready to chime in- A grand composition of light is initiated! Allah the magnificent said "Take one step toward me and I will run toward you" the deeper philosophy is in the interconnectedness of all things through us with its return back to Him (azawajal), only that which is not temporal is of the everlasting all else will recycle into the nothingness of the black hole and be purified through cosmic cycles. We all have a unique potential and connection to these cosmic sources available and in our own telepathic reach. Our inner antennae is a remote extension linked in to all that is, a personal telepathic circuit board. If we tune into being of service to others and work for the greater good of all and for Let's discuss the human vesselhis intrinsic body Temple or dome interconnected to the greater temples or domes. The human vessel houses the Soul, just like a seed, from an energetic vi ew it looks very similar. Just as a kernel has an outer covering and in an inner