The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 7
among their father s brothers
and pass the inheritance of their
father on to them. 8 You shall
also say to the Israelites If a
man dies, and has no son, then
you shall pass his inheritance on
to his daughter. 9 If he has no
daughter, then you shall give his
inheritance to his brothers. 10 If
he has no brothers, then you
shall give his inheritance to his
father s brothers - The Old and
New Testament The Book of
Numbers Chapter 27.
And Priest Tadras Ya qoub Malti
said in the interpretation of the
Law of inheritance and
establishing Joshua: This
chapter includes two matters
which came at the end of the life
of the Great one among the
Prophet Moses (pbuh) and they
are the story of the daughters of
Zelophehad and appointing
Joshua as a leader for the people.
So Allah made the law of
inheritance obligatory upon all
the group, the son inherits his
father. And if the dead man does
not have a son then his daughter
inherits him. And if he does not
have a daughter then his
siblings or his uncles, or
whoever is closest to him from
among his family, inherit him.
Law of Inheritance: Because of
the case of the daughters of
Zelophehad, the law of
inheritance came to announce
that the legal/lawful inheritors,
like we said, are the son, then the
daughter, then siblings, then
uncles, or whoever is closest to
him in the family. Interpretation of the Holy Book
Old Testament Priest Tadras
Ya qoub Law of Inheritance
and establishing Moses
Interpretation of Book of
Numbers chapter 27.
Also Priest Antonios Fikri, in his
interpretation of the same
chapter, he says:
And it was a new law, and [that
is] that if the dead person does
not have a son then his daughter
inherits him. And if he does not
have a daughter then his
siblings or his uncles, or
whoever is closest to him from
among his family, inherit him.
And we observe that:
4 The result of the insistence of
the daughter of Zelophehad to
get their share, the blessing of
that was their gaining a new law
for inheritance. - Interpretation
of the Holy Book Old
Testament Priest Antonios