The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 60

Perhaps then, the more we understand energy and energy forms, the more en-light-ened we become, the more we are lit up from deep within. That light is our birthright as children of the Sun. Like the Great Central Sun radiates out from the inner galaxies, which were the core 12 galaxies ever created around the Great Central Sun, there are different octaves of Being. For there are 12 Octaves of Divine Being in itself and each one of the radiant Galaxies reflect this. Therefore the 13th holds the Master Key encodements. The whole energy shifting on this planet is all about understanding this. It is more than this the understanding that we are all cosmic Beings, and have the ability to expand beyond the norm and into the extra-ordinary, the higher octaves of Being, not only via the planet but also via our own souls. For truly there is no higher calling, than to become ignited from deep within, and then to ignite the rest of the world and the greater cosmic whole.