The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 55
ignition of the vortex energies
and were then added as such.
not harm the planet in any way,
nor did it harm any form of life.
There was another mechanism
which worked with the
lightning rod of the Earth and
that was the sound of the
Earth. The Earth has her own
sound frequency band, which is
tune into the greater cosmic
frequency bands, of this
Universe, the Galactic Core and
then also the Central Suns – in
those days we were directly
linked to the 12th Central
galaxies of the 12th Central Sun
and therefore the lightning rod
of the earth, with the sound was
fine-tuned into a type of
antenna which then could relay
this mass ignition of the energy,
into the vortex energy centers
and from there directly into the
pyramids, which in turn relayed
this energy to the rest of the
What I want to touch on here, is
that because the earth has had
pole shifts, the land masses
have undergone immense
changes – and some land masses
have sunk under the sea and
some rose out of the sea, so if
one looked at a map of the
planet a billion years ago, the
whole planet would have
looked very different from what
it is now.
All combined into one mass
energy system which then kept
the planet supplied of energy
and it supplied energy for
homes, structures, buildings
and all that needed to use this
energy. As it worked with the
earth and these people knew
how to use this energy, it did
The pole shifts have not always
meant that north and south
poles switched
places. Sometimes the earth
merely tilted to some degree
and the lands mass and water
and gaseous substances more
and less adjusted themselves
So, this means that these first
pyramids were literally buried
under the onslaught of the
cosmic and earth changes at that
However, they were never
deactivated, as happened with
the later pyramids built –
notably those in the Sahara
(which have not been
discovered yet) and those in