The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 51
A sacred circle is a ‘held’ space,
with one woman taking the
responsibility for the process of
deepening which the group goes
through. She will act as timekeeper and enable the pulse of the
circle to beat rhythmically. With
other women witnessing, we ca
share stories of pain, joy, triumph
and fortitude. We can explore our
wounds safely, holding a light to
them so that we may understand
them more fully and begin to heal
whilst a supportive sister holds
our hand. We empower our own
inner wise woman so that she may
help us to grow and develop by
witnessing other women’s stories.
We can talk about the blood
mysteries of menarche,
menstruation, pregnancy, birth
and menopause and spend a
decent amount of time discussing
these subjects. We may share cake
and will almost certainly drink
tea. The sacred circle may have a
theme or may be a more
spontaneous and free-flowing
affair. Women may pass their
knitting round so any who want
can add a row. They may sew or
create a piece of craft together.
In a mature sacred circle, we may
plot to change the world or at least
our neighborhood. We may dream
up innovative campaigns for
community gardens. We may plan
to seed bomb abandoned
wasteland. We may knit protest
scarves to end war.
We may meet under the light of
the full moon or under a moonless
sky filled with stars or clouds. We
may gather around a bonfire or a
warm hearth fire with the
addition of candles. We may meet
in a cosy sitting room with
sleeping children upstairs. We all
dream of meeting in a yurt, tipi, or
roundhouse and some do. We may
meet by a river for a moonlit swim
or by a sacred holy well or
standing stones to ask for