The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 48
It s time to write a new reality.
It s time to stand up and tell your
You are only vulnerable when you
let others define you as
You are only weak if you let them
convince you it s true
You are only less than if you
believe it. Women are warriors.
They are the ones who run with
wolves, the ones who follow the
moon. They are the ones who give
life and they are the first story
tellers their children will hear.
Women have all the power of
humanity. All the power to shape
the world.
Are you waiting for permission?
Give it to yourself.
Are you waiting for your time?
It s now
Are you waiting for a sign?
Look around.
You are the linch-pin, the tipping
of the scales. The moment you say
you ve had enough. The moment
you rise, Everything changes.
We are in a battle for a future that
our children, grandchildren and
theirs can grow in, be safe in, be
challenged in. Part of it means
taking time for yourself, for
silence, to breathe and renew.
Part of it means to let go for a
while You ve been carrying heavy
There will be men who cling
desperately to the idea that they
have power over you.
Outsmart them.
Outmaneuver them.
Out plan and out-strategize.
There are so many more good
men willing to be your allies,
willing to be your support, willing
to be your partners. We are your
sons, after all. We are in a battle
for the soul of the planet. And you
are that soul. You are the
warriors. And this is your time.