The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 44
revolutionaries, but at the same
time follow the greatest female
revolutionaries Sayyida Fatima
Zahra (a.s) and Sayyida Zainab
(a.s) and even young Sayyida
Sakina (a.s).
The same ones that have
oppressed and brainwashed are
spreading havoc in Iraq and
Syria today in the form of ISIS
where they are manipulating
and forcing women into
committing Jihad un Nikkah
where they are having illicit
carnal relations with men,
giving birth to children who
have no father figure or in some
instances don t even know who
the father is and spreading STD s
and STI s. Then you have them
forcing female genital
mutilation on women. Why?
This is a form of control because
there is a great fear of their
powers and energy, therefore
attacking and mutilating the
centre which births the world is
a form of abusing and taking
away that power. They are not
interesting in protecting their
women, as women for them are
property and slaves and
pleasure and joy is a sin to them.
You see ISIS implementing these
attacks on women at this time,
why? Because right now the
feminine energy is being guided
very strongly towards fulfilling
its role and position as the rise of
the Mahdi (a.s) gets closer. The
soldiers of darkness can sense
this, so they believe the best way
to break the believers is to
corrupt, manipulate and destroy
the feminine divine energy. This
is the time to rise above that and
fully channel and tap into those
powers. To help each other
elevate to the higher divine
purpose and in order to do that,
the feminine divine must be
freed from the false
manipulation and destructive
patterns that have been
engrained in the psyche. This
must be done collectively where
the masculine and feminine
come together and work for the
sake of Allah (swt) and rise in