The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 38

and Chalchluhtllque are represented by Jade, an all healing gemstone of great power. By the similarities, including gemstone knowledge, it is speculated that world communication may have existed long before the modem day and that the world was once connected by the Phoenician women sailors. Only speculation is now possible, as that communication and history are lost, destroyed by the cataclysms that sank Atlantis or the chaos that ended the matriarchies. The evidence, however legendary, is intriguing and, even lacking stronger proof, is as valid as what men have written about women's past. Whether crystal work and laying on of stones is from Atlantis, from the ancient women's matriarchies, or is something totally new is less important than its use and success by women today. Information is growing rapidly in this remembered field and is being transmitted to women for immediate use. Along with Its ability to release physical disease, laying on of stones has power in working with the emotional sources that cause much physical illness. By use of crystals and gemstones and particularly by laying on of stones, women release the emotional abuses of patriarchy from their being, work through issues and reaffirm their love. This type of healing is important, as physical manifestation of disease (lack of case) is a reflection of the nonphysical body from these unseen levels, which are known worldwide. Where the medical system treats women from physical symptoms only, women's healing works with the physical by way of causes, through working with the unseen psychic layers. Science has agreed by now that the body is surrounded by an electrical field and healers call that energy the aura. The aura is composed in eight levels of energy or light, of four unseen bodies that surround and effect the physical bo