The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 34
All Women Are Healers :
The Guide To Natural Healing
By Diane Stein
Laying on of stones and
gemstone crystal patterns are
both the newest and the oldest
of women's healing techniques.
In the past ten years, healing
work with stones reaches back
into the history of every culture.
Quartz crystal composes fully a
third of the physical makeup of
Goddess Earth, and gemstones
and crystals are available in
some form everywhere. They
were known and used for
healing In Native America,
South America, Africa, Europe
and Egypt and were a highly
developed art in ancient India
(which would have included
Pakistan as partition only
happened in 1947).
Going back further than history,
the legends and stories of
Atlantis, an ancient culture