The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 30

harmony, ENHANCING each other. Yet, what happened was that over time, men started fearing the power of women and this is the form of the carnal power d the power of heart creations. With time, men and women forgot the equality of the two genders and forgot to dance in tune with each other, as one started to reign over the other and started to rape and abuse women and sell them in slavery or being forced to marry for dowry or political power. In the new way of life, what men feared more than anything else, was the women’s carnal power. A certain element of the Black Magi started infiltrating the planet and with it, the minds of men. As men started to use the power of their minds and then with it, the brutal power of their superior strength, they started to remodel society and started to use force to establish the rule of Men over the planet. For the Ancients had used certain Rites of Intimacy (which have since been removed from the planet, with the demise of the Feminine Mother and which will only be returned once the shift of consciousness returns – I am not talking about the Rites of Isis or any other such rites as might be remembered nor tantric intimate relations) to help to empower both the male and female