The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #25 December 2014 | Page 23

Dolphins and Unicorns helping us create Heaven on Earth Dolphins and Unicorns radiate a high frequency light. As they enfold us in their essence of Love, Joy, Bliss and Enlightenment, they help us anchor these wonderful qualities on Earth giving us an opportunity to bring Heaven to Earth. Dolphins Dolphins are the Angels of the ocean and radiate love, joy and bliss. You can connect with dolphins either in meditation, or by visiting them as they swim freely in the ocean. Swimming with dolphins is a magical experience. Many people today are drawn to be with dolphins - they sense that there is something very special about them. Healing Dolphins All dolphins are healers and as they enfold everyone in their presence with their huge auras full of light and joy, they reconnect people with their own essence of love, joy, happiness and wellbeing. These are the qualities that help bring Heaven to Earth, and healing takes place on many levels. As the love and joy of the dolphins touches our hearts, we expand effortlessly into the flow of all that is good in life Unicorns Unicorns are pure white seventh dimensional horses who have returned to Earth for the first time since Atlantis to help us with our ascension. They are known as the purest of the pure and have qualities of love, peace, calm, gentleness, hope, majesty, caring, magic and mystery. They will come to you when you are ready, helping you too to develop your unicorn qualities. They have spiralling horns of light which radiate from their foreheads, through which they give healing, joy and enlightenment. The light of a unicorn is so powerful that it enters you gradually, in waves, only ever as much as you can cope with at any time. Unicorns grant soul wishes, those things that satisfy you deeply and help you fulfil your pre-life contract. Whe