The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #24 November 2014 | Page 28

a child of the stars. Know ye, O man, whatever from ye inhabit, surely it is one with the stars. Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving around their central suns. When ye have gained the light of all wisdom, free shall ye be to shine in the ether -one of the Suns that light outer darkness -one of the space-born grown into Light. Just as the stars in time lose their brilliance, light passing from them in to the great source, so, O man, the soul passes onward, leaving behind the darkness of night. Formed forth ye, from the primal ether, filled with the brilliance that flows from the source, bound by the ether coalesced around, yet ever it flames until at last it is free. Lift up your flame from out of the darkness, fly from the night and ye shall be free. Traveled I through the space-time, knowing my soul at last was set free, knowing that now might I pursue wisdom. Until at last, I passed to a plane, hidden from knowledge, known not to wisdom, extension beyond all that we know. N