The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #24 November 2014 | Page 21
So grows the soul of man ever upward,
quenched yet unquenched by the
darkness of night.
I, Death, come, and yet I remain not,
for life eternal exists in the ALL;
only an obstacle, I in the pathway,
quick to be conquered by the infinite
Awaken, O flame that burns ever
flame forth and conquer the veil of the
Then in the midst of the flames
in the darkness grew there one that
drove forth the night, flaming,
ever brighter, until at last was
nothing but Light.
Then spoke my guide, the voice of the
See your own soul as it grows in the
free now forever from the Lord of the
Forward he led me through many
great spaces
filled with the mysteries of the
Children of Light;
mysteries that man may never yet
know of until
he, too, is a Sun of the Light.
Backward then HE led me into the
of the hall of the Light.
Knelt I then before the great Masters,
Lords of ALL from the cycles above.
Spoke HE then with words of great
power saying:
Thou hast been made free of the Halls
of Amenti.
Choose thou thy work among the
children of men.
Then spoke I,
“O, great master,
let me be a teacher of men,
leading then onward and upward
until they,
too, are lights among men;
freed from the veil of the night that
surrounds them,
flaming with light that shall shine
among men.”
Spoke to me then the voice:
Go, as yet will. So be it decreed.
Master are ye of your destiny,
free to take or reject at will.
Take ye the power, take ye the
Shine as a light among the children of
Upward then, led me the Dweller.
Dwelt I again among children of men,
teaching and showing some of my
Sun of the Light, a fire among men.
Now again I tread the path downward,
seeking the light in the darkness of
Hold ye and keep ye, preserve my
guide shall it be to the children of