The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #24 November 2014 | Page 11
According to Cayce, two rival
parties fought for control of the
Atlanteans in its final days. The
Children of the Law of One
wanted to return to a spiritual
stewardship of the land based
on natural laws. The other
group, the Sons of Belial,
wanted to exploit natural
resources for material gain.
The chief focus of their conflict
was a third class of dull, halfawake sub-humans used by the
Sons of Belial for slave labor.
The Children of the Law of One
wanted to enlighten these sub–
beings by raising their
consciousness; the Sons of
Belial wanted to keep them in
ignorance and exploit them for
their own gain.
But before the legendary land
disappeared under the waves,
Cayce revealed that there was
an exodus of many Atlanteans
to ancient Egypt. He attributed
the Biblical Great Flood of Noah
to be a result of the sinking of
the last huge remnants of
He also revealed that the many
Atlanteans that managed to
escape, in hope to preserve a
record of their civilization
created 2 separate archives
with all their history and
accomplishments so that it
could be preserved for
posterity. One of these archives
was revealed to be buried
under one of the Sphinx paws.
Recently there have been some
new geological research done in
the area since we have obtained
new technology, and during one