The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Página 40
energy. It is interwoven in all
things like a mosaic whose
pieces adhere to the same wall,
and are thus, unified. However,
it is not the picture that unifies
the mosaic, but the wall upon
which its pieces adhere.
Similarly, Prime Creator paints
a picture so diverse and
apparently unrelated that there
appears to be no unification. Yet
it is not the outward
manifestations that unify, it is
the inward centre of energy
upon which the pieces of
diversity are layered that
unifies all manifestations.
This centrepiece of energy is
the collective storehouse of all
life in all fields of vibration
within the Universe of
Wholeness. It is Prime Creator
who divests ITSELF in all forms
through the projection of its
Source Intelligence in to all
fragments of life. Thus, Source
Intelligence - acting as an
extension of Prime Creator - is
the unifying energy that is the
"wall" upon which all the pieces
of life's mosaic adhere. Life
flows from one energy Source
that links all to Al