The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Page 35
human instrument - with all of
its componentry intact - can
experience the Sovereign
Integral perception of
As the human instrument
becomes increasingly
responsive to Source
Intelligence it will gravitate to
life principles that symbolically
express the formative
principles of prime creation.
There are wide ranges of
expressions that can induce the
transformational experience of
the Sovereign Integral and
liberate the entity from timespace conditioning and external
controls. Inasmuch as the
expression can vary, the intent
of the expression is quite
narrowly defined as the intent
to expand into a state of
integration whereby the human
instrument becomes
increasingly aligned with the
Sovereign Integral perspective.
There are three particular life
principles that accelerate the
transformational experience
and help to align the human
instrument with the Sovereign
Integral perspective. They are:
1) Universe relationship
through gratitude
2) Observance of Source in all
3) Nurturance of life
When the individual applies
these principles, their life
experience reveals a deeper
meaning to its apparently
random events - both in the
universal and personal