The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Page 19
Excerpt from the Secret Interview Conducted
Between Anne and the Scientist Decoding
the Wingmakers Time Capsule
This is an excerpt from the interview conducted between Anne and Dr. Anderson back in
December 1997, when Anne was first contacted about the discovery of the WingMakers'
time capsule. This is just the beginning of the first interview; the complete interview is
available online and is probably the best way to understand the nature of the discovery
and its implications.
First Interview of Dr. Anderson
By Anne
What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Anderson on December 27, 1997. He gave
permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This was the first of five interviews
that I was able to tape-record before he left or disappeared. I have preserved these
transcripts precisely as they occurred. No editing was performed, and I've tried my best to
include the exact words and grammar used by Dr. Anderson.
"Are you comfortable?"
Dr. Anderson:
"Yes, yes, I'm fine and ready to begin when you are."
"You've made some remarkable claims with respect to the Ancient Arrow project. Can you
please recount what your involvement in this project was and why you chose to leave it of
your own freewill?"
Dr. Anderson
"I was selected to participate in the decoding and translation of the symbol pictures found at
the site. I have a known expertise in languages and ancient texts. I am able to speak over 30
different languages fluently and another 12 or so languages that are officially extinct.
Because of my skills in linguistics and my abilities to decode symbol pictures like petroglyphs
or hieroglyphs, I was chosen for this task. (