The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #23 October 2014 | Page 14
papers, poetry, music, and an
introduction to the culture and
identity of its creators. The
creators of the time capsule
referred to themselves as
WingMakers. They represented
a future version of humanity
who lived some 750 years in
our future. They claimed to be
culture bearers, or ones that
bring the seeds of art, science,
and philosophy to humanity.
They had left behind a total of
seven time capsules in various
parts of the world to be
discovered according to a wellorchestrated plan. Their
apparent goal was to help the
next several generations of
humans develop a global
culture; a unified system of
philosophy, science, and art.
In early 1997, the ACIO scientist
who had originally discovered
the access code for the optical
disc became strangely
sympathetic with the
WingMakers' mission. He was
convinced that the ACIO would
never share the discovery with
the public, and he was certain
that it was too significant to
withhold. He also claimed that
he was in communication with
the WingMakers and that they
were watching the ACIO's
progress and would, at the
appropriate time; make the
time capsule and its contents
available to the public. This
assertion troubled the ACIO and
particularly the Ancient Arrow
project director, who eventually
recommended a leave of
absence for the scientist and
was summarily dispatched from
the project. The scientist was
afraid that his memories would
be tampered with or destroyed
altogether, and so he defected
from the ACIO, quite literally
the first to ever do so.
Soon after his defection, the
scientist disappeared. However,
before his disappearance, some
of his materials regarding the
WingMakers and their time
capsule were given to a
journalist that he had selected
at random.
The author of this document is
that journalist. I am in
possession of photographs,
music, poetry, artwork,
translation indexes, copies of
secret documents, and a variety
of translated philosophical texts
that all stem from the Ancient
Arrow project. I've taken every
precaution to remain
anonymous so I can't be traced.
I'm convinced that these