The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 9

Moses (a.s) wrote down the knowledge of the Torah in what became known as the Five Books of Moses (a.s). The Kabbalah, however, was tightly guarded and concealed. (Taqqiya) It was only transmitted by word of mouth to a small circle of sages in each succeeding generation. The primary purpose behind Kabbalah's veil of secrecy had to do with its extraordinary power. If it fell into the wrong hands, it could be used for destructive purposes. Thus, there was a prohibition against learning this mystical wisdom. The Kabbalah seeks to understand the 'thought' behind creation, it is not a spiritual or heart centered path as such, but simply a metaphysical vision of creation or the science of the spiritual world beyond the physical, which seeks to transform our 'desires' from lower worldly to the upper worlds. It invites us to turn our attention to the language of 'root and branch' - the roots initiating in the upper world of the spirit and said to 'branch' out into the lowers world - the 'Tree of Life' and 'as above so below' is a reflection of this. If the root is not seeded correctly, which is the initial 'intention', then somehow the branch which is the action or physical manifestation into the worldly, will be corrupt and chaotic. The object is to understand the root and understand the cause of an effect, then to seek to correction the 'desire' as to influence the events in our life, bringing back to balance what is chaotic through correction of 'desire and intention'. It seeks to bring order to life by transforming the self, by changing intentions by use of numbers and words, that everything has an energy (light and dark) words have power and when we speak ill it creates a negative entity or demon, when we speak sacred words it creates Angelic beings that fill our life with blessings and influence our environment positively.