The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 6
heart entirely and trust completely
in Allah swt's plan.
So InshAllah please graciously
forgive my deficiencies and faults in
my limited attempts to explain in a
language that lacks the eloquence to
describe the governing forces of the
heavenly kingdom, and the
multidimensional nature of the
sacred sounds that encompass
volumes of cryptic codes. Yet the
concept is simple, though nothing is
easy, a habit to break or to initiate
new patterns in our life. We must
work at everything in order to
increase in excellence, as Imam
Ahmad (a.s) says “Work work
work", so in order to see the divine
codes in creation when we turn for
validation, like any mathematical
calculation, we can go in reverse and
reach the same conclusion, we can
reliably turn to divine messengers,
the Great Prophets, and ancient
knowledge, right back to the
beginning of generations, and you
will find the seal of truth.
So let us all Work on excellence
through seeking the simplicity in
truth, an energy which is infinite,
which holds Purity and
authenticity, it is what we are
striving for in our works to preserve
its Essence and its integrity, So
allow the information we focus on,
'become' the embodiment of this, for
this purpose and this intention.
Allahu A'lam
The Many Lives of PI
Numbers are mysterious, they have
a value that is greater than what
appears to be their worldly measure,
numbers are mystical and hold keys
just like the combinations on a lock,
when they come together in a
sequence they unlock gateways into
deeper consciousness, across time
and space through dimensions, they
connect us to energies depending on
their combination and code, they are
divine codex, a type of metaphysical
map that act as symbols for
triggering and awakening us beyond
the physical world.
There are certain grand numbers
that hold deep and secret codes of