The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 4
The Many Lives Of PI, The Dead Sea
Scrolls And The Power Of Gematria
by Yasmine Fatemi
In the name of Allah the Exalted, the
Most High, the Beneficent the
Intensely Merciful
As Salaam un Alaykum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu Ya Imam
e Zaman Ya Adriknii Ya Ajal!
May the eternal Blessings of Allah
(swt) be upon Muhammad (s.a.w)
and his Progeny, The Ahul Bayt,
The Imams and The Mahdis (a.s)
Allah humma sale'Allah
Muhammadin wa'ale Muhammad
Wal aemma wal mahdiyeen wasalim
tasleemun katheera
Rabbi Sharli Sadri wa yasirli amri
oghdatan min la sani yaf qahu qawli
The Many Lives of PI, The Dead Sea
Scrolls and The Power of Gematria
by yasmine fatemi
The recent revelations regarding the
New Scientific theory on the
phenomena of Creation brought
forward by Imam Ahmad Al Hassan
(a.s) “The Ahmad Theory” and
confirmed by the manuscript of
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s), as well as
pioneers like Nassim Haramein's
Unified Field Theory or Geologists
Gregg Braden's Books hit toward
this (Holographic Universe, The
God Code, The Divine Matrix,
Fractal Time, Divine Matrix) all
encompass some of the same basic