The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 28

able to think, as what they say? Or is her behaviour a reason behind the water gushing over to Ismael a.s? If her struggle between Al Safa and Al Marwa was a reason for the water to gush out, then why is her struggle between the two mountains a reason behind the water gushing out by the Ability of Allah (swt) and that her son survives? The reality is that the two mountains as I've previously clarified [Mutashabihat v.4 question 156] represent Fatima and Ali (pbut) and the struggle between them means Tawasol through them and through their offspring or the result of them both. So her struggle became a reason that Allah (swt) bestowed a favour upon her so that Ismael a.s gets ransomed by Al Hussain a.s. Look, this is the first ransom: The ransom from thirst. Ismael (a.s) was about to die in thirst, so he was ransomed by Al Hussain (a.s). son of Ali and Fatima (pbut) both or Al Safa and Al Marwa; those that Hajer strove between and made Tawasol by. The second ransom: Ransom from getting slaughtered and you know who he is; also Ismael a.s was ransomed by Al Hussain a.s and Allah (swt) mentioned him in the Quran, He said, "And we ransomed him with a great slaughter." Safat:108 He ransomed him from thirst and from slaughter and from this Al Hussain a.s died thirsty and was slaughtered. There isn't anything trivial in the religion of Allah (swt) or during the lives of the Prophets (pbut) as how the ignorant pictures the reality; that Hajer strove between Al Safa and Al Marwa from her