The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 25
Imam Ali (a.s) said, “People often hate those things which they don't know or
don't understand."
Imam Ali Ibn Musa AlRitha (a.s) said, “The friend of the ignorant one
is in tiresomeness."
Imam Ali (a.s) said, “The ignorant one does not get discouraged and with
advice he does not benefit."
Imam Ali (a.s) said, “An ignorant person will always overdo a thing or neglect
it totally."
Let us listen to the advice of Imam Ali (a.s) the Master of the worshippers
after the Prophet (s.a.w).
Kumayl says that after this brief dissertation, Imam Ali (a.s) pointed towards
his chest and said, "Look Kumayl! Here I hold stores and treasures of
knowledge. I wish I could find somebody to share it with me. Yes, I found
a few, but one of them, though quite intelligent, was untrustworthy, he would sell his
salvation to get hold of the world and its pleasures, he would make religion a
pretence to grasp worldly power and wealth, he would make this Blessing of
Allah (swt) (knowledge) serve him to get supremacy and control over friends of
Allah (swt) and he would through knowledge exploit and suppress other human
beings. The other person was such that he apparently obeyed truth and knowledge,
yet his mind had not achieved the true light of religion, at the slightest ambiguity or
doubt he would get suspicious of truth, mistrust religion and would rush towards
scepticism. So neither of them was capable of acquiring the superior knowledge
that I can impart. Besides these two I find some other person One of them is
a slave of self and greedy for inordinate desires, which can easily drag him away
from the path of religion, the other is an avaricious, grasping and acquisitive miser
who will risk his life to grasp and hold wealth, none of these two will be of any use