The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 2
Welcome Message
by Laila Ali
Ya Ali!
I pray you are all well and in a place
most pleasing to Allah (swt).
Welcome to “The Mahdi Times”, Issue
#21, August 2014. This month, I have
been contemplating deeply on
forgiveness. I believe many of us, while
entering into the Dawah of Ahmad al
Hassan (a.s) have faced many tests and
even had to face ourselves, our true
selves and battle our Ego Monster in
ways we never thought possible. The
reality is, this Dawah is a purification
process that only a few are able to fully
embrace and fall into without being led
astray by the dunya. It’s a painful
journey for the Ego Monster as it leaves
us with not many supporters and
friends and alone in a world of
strangers. During this time, I feel we
must learn to process and forgive. Not
others, but ourselves for our own
personal negligence and incompetence.
Why not others? Because who are we to
even be offended by others when we
carry a massive burden of our own sins
on our backs?
Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) has put this all
into perspective for us in some beautiful
words of advice one of which is placed
on the cover of this month’s magazine.