The Mahdi Times The Mahdi Times Issue #21 August 2014 | Page 14
The following 3 digit sequence is the
265 which is the numerical and
graphic combination of the
Tetragrammaton (26), the ineffable
Name of G-d and the pronounceable
version of it Adonai (65).
And finally the 4th and 3 digit
sequence is 358 the value of the
word Messiah (Mashiach)
If we add together the 2 middle
components (159 + 265) we get 424
the value of the full and well
established phase for the Messiah,
Mashiach Ben David(a.s) (Messiah
Son of David a.s) and we can clearly
see again the indicator of the 6 point
star of David associated with David
and also associated with the tribe of
'Judas' whom are actively awaiting
the Messiah, whic \