That is how i knew sayyed Ahmad al-hassan
By: Nazim Al-Uqaili
Very humble, in all means, as I lived with him for years, and he was among us as though he
is one of us. Rather he used to serve us most of the times and never excelled from us in
food, clothes or place but we used to even wear better than him.
He used to make us ahead of him when we would enter any place or get into a car and he
does not accept that anyone would put him ahead of the other Ansars, yet he always say: “I
am your brother and servant, and we are all walking to Allah swt's satisfaction, as I came to
get you out from worshiping idols, so don’t make me an idol”.
He gets really upset when some Ansar deal with him using special treatment and
distinguish between him and other Ansar in shaking hands or something similar. He always
says: “Don’t let the sign distract you from the Goal and Purpose that it is leading
to, as the Imams and successors are the signs on the way of guidance and truth...
so don’t shorten your sight on the sign and also don’t be unjust to the
righteousness of the sign.”
He (a.s) was simple in clothing and sitting,
and would feel at ease when sitting and
prostrating on sand and considers it a
blessing from Allah if he found it. If his
clothes got cut or slit, he says:
“Alhamdulillah who blessed us
following the example; the
Commander of the Faithful (AS)”.
as well as the plants grow on plain,
not on mountain”.
He used to also emphasize on fighting the
Ego by saying: “Indeed Allah is Holy
and doesn’t draw near except to the
Holy; so be hallowed so that Allah
draws you near”.
We spent these years with him in travelling
mostly between the states of Iraq to inform
and introduce the Yamanite Call and thus
he serves us all along our journey... for
example if the car broke down, he would
repair it even though he had to lay down
on the sand under the car and dirty his
clothes with the engine oil. He used to also
help the Ansar in washing dishes after they
are done eating and share in preparing
food if the Ansar were in one of the
Hussaniyyas we had.
He always gives the example of the
Prophet Jesus saying: “Wisdom prospers
with humbleness, not with arrogance;
With and from him we knew the truth of humbleness and the truth of religion, as we learned from him that the more a man looks at himself and
gets busy with it and is fascinated by its situation, the more his rank lessens Allah The Al-Mighty until he reaches the rank of Iblis (God’s curse
on him) “I am better than him”.
He once said that the one who truly and honestly wants to be from Ansar Al-Imam Almahdy (a.s) should be from the representatives of The AlMighty’s saying:
{That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the [b \