Sulaym fought in the battle of Nahrawan and at the same time he was
writing about the incident of this
battle in his book and recorded the
war between them and Khawarej.
Until the incident of the night of
19th of Ramadan in the year 40
A.H, when Ali ibne abi Talib (a.s)
was hit while he was praying in
Masjid e Kufa and by the most unfortunate creature. During this time
Sulaym continued his work even
though he was extremely sorrowful
and sad. He even recorded the will
of Imam Ali (a.s) from the holy
mouth of our Imam (a.s) in his
book, while the Imam (a.s) was on
his death bed.
May Allah (swt) Allow us
to Sacrifice all we have for our
Imams (a.s), InshaAllah.
He did not stop his jihad
with pen after the martyrdom of his
Master Ali (a.s) and he went under
the Wilayah of Imam Hasan AlMujtaba (a.s). He recorded and
wrote fights and peace treaty of
Imam Hasan (a.s) with Muawyah
and he even wrote the sermon of
Imam Hasan (a.s) which was given
by the Imam (a.s) in Madinah
against Muawiyah (l.a) to show the
true face of Muawiyah (l.a) and his
for Ibn Ziad (l.a) trusted Sulaym
and gave the secret letter to Sulaym
which was sent from Muawiyah
(l.a) to Ibn Ziad (l.a). Sulaym used
this as an evidence against Muawiyah (l.a) and wrote this letter in his
close to Shiraz and he lived in the
house of the parents of Aban bin
abi Ayaash who was 14 years old at
that time. From the beginning Sulaym realised that the young Aban
is ready to learn and handle the secrets and truths about the Wilayah
and Shiasm. Aban was familiar
with Quran and had some knowledge about it however because of
the tyrant rulers of those regions he
had no information about Wilayah
and Shiaism. Therefore Sulaym began to teach the young Aban the
true religion of Allah (swt) and
within one year he became one of
the lovers of Ahlul Bayt (a.s) so
much so that he trusted Aban with
his secret book.
In the year 58 A.H. two
years before the death of Muawiyah
(l.a) another mission approached
Sulaym. Because Imam Aba Abdullah, Imam Hussain (a.s) gathered
700 of his companions and followers in Mena and Sulaym was among
them. Then Imam (a.s) gave a sermon concerning Yazid (l.a) and Sulaym had to write and record this
incident and the sermon itself from
the holy tongue of the Blessed
Imam (a.s).
Continue Insh’Allah……..
All these efforts to record
and protect these secrets and Ahadith might be a sign to show that
most likely Sulaym was captured in
the prisons of Ibn Ziad (l.a) when
the incident of Karbala took place
and so he could not help his Imam
(a.s) in this battle.
After the incident of Karbala, Sulaym went to see Imam Sajjad
(a.s) and he also met his son Imam
Baqir (a.s). After his visit he went
back to Kufah but shortly he was
forced to leave Kufah because AbImam Hasan Al-Mujtaba
dul-Malek Marwan (l.a) was an
(a.s) was also martyred by the tyopen enemy to Ahlul Bayt (a.s) and
rants of his time and at Sulaym rea- he made Hajaj bin Yousef Thaqafi
lised that he and his book are in
the governer of Kufah. Later Abgreat danger. At that time Sulaym
dul-Malek (l.a)asked Hajaj to
was 50 years old and perhaps it was search and find and arrest close
not easy for him to keep this book. companions of Imam Ali (a.s) and
The only way that could save his
he also gave the name of Sulaym as
book from his worst enemies like
one of the first to be captured. This
Yazid (l.a) and ibn Ziad (l.a) was to put him and his book at danger and
make Taqqiyah.
so he had no choice but to leave
Kufah and migrate to another place.
He was one of the special
companions of Imam Hussain (a.s)
Sulaym went out of Kufah
and he made such a taqqiyah that
and travelled to Iran until he came
one of the people who used to work to a big city called Noband Jaan