There are no words to express the sorrow felt by so many of us who knew and loved this
very special human being. Although I did not personally know her as well as I do Mustafa
and Ahmed Hallal, her children, I can say that it is because of Mustafa and Ahmed that I
know Iglal. For only an Angel could be a mother who raised those two young believing warriors in the path of Allah. I met Iglal on several occasions, during Ramadan at group Iftar
and on different days at the school. I know she loved and worried and cared for children and
for all the Ansar very much. She was the one we depended on, and the one who volunteered to take people to get their sheep slaughtered on days when she was ill. She was the
one whom would smile and light up a room. She accepted the dawa of Imam Ahmed Al
Hassan a.s. with her heart and soul and I can testify to this. One day at the school I read
Al Fatiha over some water, and this was during her chemo therapy sessions and I made a
dua over the water by the truth of Imam Ahmed Al Hassan a.s. And I sprinkled in the water
some dust from Karbala and I gave it to her to drink in class. Although every time she had
been going to her chemo treatments, the doctors told her the cancer was spreading, after
she drank this water and she started crying and so did her son Ahmed, the next time when
she did her tests, they said the cancer did not spread, it did not leave, but it did not spread
that week. Subhanallah and Allah does what He wills. There is a hadith that says basically
when Allah loves a servant and wishes to meet them and wants for them to rest from this
world He causes them to die, and when Allah wishes punishment and revenge for an enemy
He causes them to die and Iglal is definetely Insha ZۙHو