Asalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu,
peace, InshaAllah, Mola Ali
Anyone that has met her
I pray you and your loved
would probably testify that she was
ones are well and in a Place Most
Pleasing to Allah (swt), InshaAllah, a very loving, graceful and warm
lady who shall be very missed. May
Mola Ali Waaris.
Allah (swt) Grant her sons, family
Welcome to "The Mahdi
and friends patience during this
Times" Issue # 16, October 2012.
testing time, InshaAllah, Mola Ali
May Allah (swt) Accept the
work done in this magazine,
I believe Allah (swt) Has
InshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris.
Blessed this Ansar Allah family
with countless Blessings, as he has
We dedicate the Rewards
done with all of his Creation and
and the Blessings of the Work done
the Ansar Allah around the world.
in this issue to Sister Iglal Helmi
AlSayyed and her husband,
I would like to share a miraInshaAllah,Mola Ali Waaris. Incle with you that I heard from the
nalillahe wa Inna Ilayhi Rajeoon.
son of Sister Iglal Helmi AlSayyed,
May they rest in Peace, InshaAllah, Mustafa.
Mola Ali Waaris.
Mustafa told me about his
Sister Iglal Helmi AlSayyed father, who passed away, Innalillawas an Ansar Allah, wife of an An- he wa Inna Ilayhi Rajeoon, May he
sar Allah and mother of two Ansar rest in Peace, InshaAllah, Mola Ali
Allah sons.
She passed away after batHis father worked in Kutling cancer of the bones, liver,
wait, he was a very quiet, learned
blood and brain. Innalillahe wa Inna man.
Ilayhi Rajeoon. May she rest in
When he passed away, his
sons came across the Dawah of
Imam Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) and
immediately began researching.
One night, one of the sons
saw a Vision of their father. He was
dressed all in white and was glowing with happiness. He told the son
in the dream that he was Ansar Allah and that Imam Ahmad al Hassan (a.s) is his Imam (a.s).
While he was alive, he was
working in Kuwait and he came
across the Dawah and became Ansar Allah. He never told anyone and
stayed under Taqiyyah and then
came to give the Glad Tidings to
his sons through a Vision, SubhanaAllah!
"And Allah invites to the Home of
Peace and guides whom He wills to
a straight path" Surah Yunus 10:25
Allahumma Salle Ala Muhammad
wa Ale Muhammad al Aimma'ti
wal Mehdiyeen wa Sallim Tasleeman Katheera
The Ansar Allah from