kissed his cheeks and lips and said
‘You are the Chief, the son of a
Chief, the brother of a Chief, You
"Shortly after me, discord and haare an Imam, the son of an Imam,
tred will arise among you, when
the brother of an Imam. You are a
such a situation arises, go and
Proof of Allah, the son of a Proof
“I am leaving among you two khali- search out Ali (a.s) because he can of Allah (swt), the brother of a
fas, the Qur’an and my Ahlul Bayt, separate the truth from falsehood." Proof of Allah (swt) and the father
(a.s) they will never become sepaof nine Proofs of Allah (swt), the
rate until they meet me at the pool.” Kanzul Ummal, by Ali Muttaqi al
ninth will be called Mahdi (a.s) his
Hind, Volume 2 page 612 (Pubtitle is Qaim (a.s).’”
Tafsir Durre Manthur, Volume 2
lished in Multan)
page 107, printed in Beirut, LebaIbn Abbas (r) – The Prophet
“O ‘Ali! You will openly convey to
(s.a.w) said, "I, Ali (a.s), Hasan
the Ummah those matters that will
(a.s), Hussain (a.s) and the nine
This narration has also been cause differences after me.”
sons of Hussain (a.s) are pure and
recorded by Mufti Ghulam Rasool
in Jawahir al Uloom page 100 from al Mustadrak, Voulme 3 page 122
Sawaiqh al Muhirqa page 149, Ibn
‘Ali (a.s) – The Prophet
And from Yanabi al
Hajr records this from Imam Sadiq
(s.a.w) said, "Whoever wants to
Mawaddat pages 503-504 by
Shaykh Suleman Qandozi al-Hanafi board the boat of salvation, and
narrates traditions which he copied take the firm handle, and grasp the
“We are the rope of Allah (swt),
firm Rope of Allah (swt) should
from Mawaddatul Qurba:
about whom Allah (swt) had said:
love Ali (a.s) and be an enemy to
'…and hold firmly to the rope of
Jabir Ibn Abdullah – The
his enemies, and from the lineage
Allah (swt)' ”
Prophet (s.a.w) said, "I am the
of Ali (a.s) he should follow the
Chief of Prophets (a.s), Ali (a.s) is Imams (a.s) of Guidance. Verily
Jawahir al Uloom, page 100
the Chief of inheritors. Verily the
these are my Khalifas, and the
The Ahl’ul Bayt (a.s) are the Saints after me are twelve, the f