Question 69: What is the meaning
of what was narrated in the Supplication of Samat: “And by Your Glory, which appeared on Mount Sinai,
through which You spoke to Your
slave and Your Messenger; Moses,
son of ‘Imran, and by Your rise in
Sa’ir and by Your appearance on
Mount Faran near the hills of the
Sanctified (people), and the
troops/soldiers of heavenly angels
that (stood) in rows, and the submissiveness of the praising angles…”?
Answer: (Sa’ir) is the land of worship and monotheism, and it is the
holy land, meaning Beit Al-Maqdis
(Jerusalem) and what surrounds it.
And (Faran) is the haven of seeking
forgiveness and repentance, and it
is Makkah and what surrounds it.
And the Prophet who was dispatched in Sa’ir was Jesus (pbuh),
and the one who was dispatched in
Faran was Muhammad (pbuh & his
As for the Glory which appeared on
Mount Sinai, so Allah (swt) spoke
through him/it to Moses (pbuh),
verily it was Ali (pbuh), and he is
the door of emanation/overflow
within the creation. So Ali (pbuh) is
the one who spoke to Moses
(pbuh), and Ali (pbuh) was the staff
of Moses (pbuh), for the
truth/reality of the staff of Moses
(pbuh) was not that staff, but rather,
the real staff of Moses (pbuh),
which he struck the sea with, are
the words of Allah {No! Indeed,
with me is my Lord; He shall guide
me.} 1 And it is Yaqeen (certitude)
[that is] firmly established in the
heart of Moses (pbuh), and the
words of Allah and Yaqeen (certitude) [is]: Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh).
And as for “through Your rise in
Sa’ir”: meaning the rise of Allah
(swt) in Sa’ir, and Allah (swt) rose
in Sa’ir through Jesus son of Mary,
and the rise, meaning coming into
view and the partial incomplete appearance. So Jesus (pbuh) represented Allah (swt) in the creation,
however, in an incomplete way.
And that is why his dispatch was
the rise of Allah (swt), and as such
Jesus (pbuh) was paving the way
for the dispatch of Muhammad
(pbuh & his family); for verily the
rise precedes the appearance.
shows and brightens/manifests the
true preference of the Messenger of
Allah (pbuh & his family), and his
great rank.
And although in the existing reality
in this physical world the sun is
what brightens the day and
shows/manifests it, however, Allah
(swt) said in this verse: And the day
when it brightens it (meaning the
sun). So it is true that Imam Al
Mahdi (pbuh) appeared and manifested from the Messenger of Allah
“And through Your appearance on (pbuh & his family), however, in
Mount Faran”: meaning the apthe End Times he is the one who
pearance of Allah (swt), and this
shall show and manifest the Mesappearance was through sending
senger of Allah (pbuh & his family)
Muhammad (pbuh & his family), so to the people.
the greatest Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh & his family) is Allah in the
creation. And this is why the Imam
(pbuh) in the supplication expressed
the dispatch of Muhammad (pbuh
1 - The Holy Qur’an Surat Ash& his family) by the appearance of Shu’ara (The Poets): 62
Allah (swt). So the Imam (pbuh)
wants to say in the supplication that 2 - The Holy Qur’an Surat AshMuhammad (pbuh & his family) is Shams (The Sun): 1 – 3
Allah in the creation, and that his
dispatch is the appearance of Allah. 3 - [Narrated] from Al Harith Al
‘A’our to Al Hassan son of Ali
So whoever knows Muhammad
(pbuh & his family) has known Al- (pbut): “O son of the Messenger of
Allah! Inform me regarding the
lah, and whomever sees Muhamsaying of Allah in His Clear Book:
mad (pbuh & his family) has seen
Allah, and whomever looks towards {By the sun and its brightness}” He
(pbuh) said: “Woe to you O Harith!
Muhammad (pbuh & his family)
[It is] the Messenger of Allah Muhas looked towards Allah.
hammad (pbuh & his family).” He
And this reality today began to ap- (Harith) said: “I said: {And [by the
pear and be clarified by the prefer- moon when it follows it}" He (pbuh)
ence of Imam Al Mahdi (pbuh), the said: “That is the Prince of the BeAlmighty said: {By the sun and its lievers Ali son of Abi Talib (pbuh),
he follows Muhammad (pbuh & his
brightness ۞And [by] the moon
family).” [Harith] said: “{And [by]
when it follows it ۞And [by] the
day when it brightens it} 2 And the the day when it brightens it}” He
(pbuh) said: “That is the Qa’im
sun [is]: the Messenger of Allah
from the family of Muhammad
Muhammad (pbuh & his family).
And the moon [is]: Ali ibn Abi Tal- (pbuh), he shall fill the Earth with
ib (pbuh), for he is the one who fol- justice and equity.” Bihar Al Anwar: Volume 24, page 79.
lowed the Messenger of Allah.
And the day: is the Qa’im (Riser)
(pbuh) 3; for verily [it is] he who