The Black Worm: The Black
Worm was a backbiter who used to
cause beloved ones to separate.
The Bear: The Bear was a feminine man who used to call the men
to himself.
The Mouse: The Mouse was a
woman who was married to two
men and neither of them knew
about the other.
The Rabbit: The Rabbit was a
cheating woman who did not wash
herself after her period.
Cain: Cain was the first human being to be placed into Maskh when
he killed his brother Abel, Allah
placed his mind into Maskh and he
remained lost until he died.
The Crow: The Crow was a stingy
man and the Crow was
The Monkey: They were the Jews
who transgressed on the Sabbath.
The Lice: The Lice come from envy and a Prophet from the Prophets
of Israel was standing praying when
there came to him an idiot from the
idiots of Israel and he continued to
laugh in his face and make fun of
him so he did not leave his place
before Allah turned him into a Lice.
The Scorpion: The Scorpion was a
backbiter with two faces who used
to backbite without knowledge.
Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (a.s) said
if we saw an envious person in the
Malakoot he would be a scorpion.
The Pig: They are the ones who ate
from the Table of Jesus (a.s) for 40
days and did not believe.