after him?” He (pbuh) said, “No,
rather before him.”
Wilayah of Ali ibn Abi Taleb
(pbuh).” So he says, “I do not know
it! I do not believe in it!” So GabriImam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said, el (pbuh) says to him, “O enemy of
“When the disbelievers dying the
Allah! And what did you use to beMessenger of Allah (sawas) and Ali lieve in?” So he says such and such.
(pbuh) and Gabriel and the Angel
So Gabriel says to him, “O enemy
of death go to him… So Ali (pbuh) of Allah! Glad tidings to you of the
comes closer and says, “O Messen- wrath of Allah and His torment in
ger of Allah! This man used to hate Hell Fire! As for what you were
us Ahlul Bayt so hate him.” The
hoping for, you have missed it! As
Messenger of Allah (sawas) says,
for what you were afraid of, verily,
“O Gabriel! This man used to hate it has come down upon you!” Then
Allah and His Messenger and the
100 Shaytans get assigned to his
family of the Messenger, so hate
soul, all of spitting in his face and
him.” So Gabriel says to the Angel harming him, so if he is put in his