The Mahdi Times October 2011 | Page 2

BY: LAILA A L I WELCOM E LET TER ALLAHUMMA SALLE ALA MUHAMMAD WA ALE MUHAMMAD AL A'IMATI WAL MEHDIYEEN WA SALLIM TASLEEMAN KATHEERA Asalaam Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu,  Brothers and Sisters,  I Pray you are all well and in a place most pleasing to Allah swt, Inshallah, Mola Ali Waaris.  Welcome to the October Issue of The Mahdi Times. Subhanallah! How time has flown! I remember when there was just talks of a magazine, and now it's become an integral part of the Dawah. Our Creator is Most Merciful and no matter how much we Thank Him, His Mercy Extends Beyond our limited comprehension.  Much has happened in these past few weeks and the Will of Allah swt is Just.  With the launch of "The Arrived", we find a wealth of knowledge and information being catapulted into our laps, Subhanallah!  For many of us it's an awakening, and these realizations that we are coming to, truly makes one realize the insignificance of the I, yet the importance of our stance.