future, He is Hearing and
In the name of Allah, the
Abundantly Merciful, the Intensely
becomes an angel. Rather, he is a
human and there is darkness in the divine generosity, help and
page of his existence, as the motive assistance for whoever requests
for disobedience at one time would repentance and ascension in the
be the satans from the jinn from
among those who despaired and
And praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And may the prayers and peace of
satans in the month of Ramadan a
Kingdom of Heavens and it is a
good opportunity for whoever
the satans from the humans, and at wants to take advantage of it and
another time it would be the soul
of the human and the darkness
change his life and the result of his
hereafter toward the better. And
within. And some souls of humans you can learn more details by
Allah be upon Muhammad and the are more malicious than the satans reading the book of Jihad, the
progeny of Muhammad, the Imams from the jinn.
Doorway to Heaven and other
and the Mahdis
books in which I clarified these
And he who spent his life in
If the satans from the jinn were
negligence before Ramadan until
chained in the month of Ramadan,
that does not mean that the satans
from the humans are chained. And
it does not mean that the human
In the name of Allah,
the Abundantly Merciful, the
Intensely Merciful.
And praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
And may the prayers and peace of
darkness prevailed over his soul,
might not benefit at all from the
month of Ramadan. And in general,
you can consider the chaining of
What is the verdict of ablution
Eyeliner, whether liquid or pencil,
liquid or pencil eyeliner?
ablution unless it goes beyond the
while wearing eyeliner, whether
In the name of Allah, the
Abundantly Merciful, the Intensely
does not affect the validity of
eyelash area in a way that is not
moderate. And if eyeliner is applied
in a normal manner, it is not
obligatory to remove it for
Allah be upon Muhammad and the And praise is due to Allah, Lord of
progeny of Muhammad, the Imams the worlds.
and the Mahdis.
May the peace, mercy and
blessings of Allah be upon you.
In the name of Allah,
the Abundantly Merciful, the
And may the prayers and peace of
Allah be upon Muhammad and the
progeny of Muhammad, the Imams
and the Mahdis.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
May the prayers and peace of Allah
be upon Muhammad and the
progeny of Muhammad, the Imams
Intensely Merciful
and the Mahdis.