There is no Yamani, except for the one
who is to me like my right hand
they have pledged or are
In the Name of Allah, the
{Then declare what you are
from the polytheists. * Indeed, defend the Vicegerent of
Merciful, the Intensely
All praise be to Allah Lord of
the Worlds. The Owner of
commanded and turn away
We are sufficient for you
against the mockers}
Soveirgnty, Who sets the
Allah, the Great and Most
stars, Who employs the
Holy Qur’an Surat Al- ijr
course of the skies and the
High, has said the Truth. {The
winds, Who causes the day to (The Rocky Tract): 94 & 95}
break, the administrator of
authority, the Lord of the
worlds. All praise be to
Allah! From His fear the
Heavens and its dwellers
shake, and the Earth and its
inhabitants quake, and the
oceans and that which swim
in their waters wave.
O Allah! Send Peace upon
Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad the moving
ships in the immersing
depths, he who boards it is
saved and he who abandons
it drowns, those who go in
front of them renegade and
those who are behind them
perish, and those who
accompany them are on
Verily, we are to Allah and
unto Him we shall return,
and there is no might nor
strength save by Allah, the
promising Allah by it to
Imam Al-Mahdi Muhammad
ibn Al-Hassan (pbuh), who
has arrived between your
{And fulfill [every] covenant.
Indeed, the covenant is ever
[that about which one will
be] questioned.} {The Holy
Qur’an Surat Al-’Isr ’ (The
Night Journey): 34}
Great and Most High, and
And Imam Muhammad ibn
upon all those whom
pronouncing Qur’an, far
may the everlasting curse be
retract/go back on their
pledge of allegiance to the
family of Muhammad (pbut),
and the pledge of allegiance
to their Mahdi Muhammad
ibn Al-Hassan (pbuh), and
Al-Hassan (pbuh) is the
away is he from going against
the Qur’an! So do not allow
the foolish accursed one to
trick you. And verily, I have
in the neck of every
individual from among the
the pledge of allegiance to his Ansar of Imam Al-Mahdi a
Vicegerent, and the
pledge of allegiance. I do not
Vicegerents, the twelve after
shall ask them regarding it on
Vicegerents of his
dismiss anyone from it and I
him. And may the everlasting the Day of Resurrection. And
curse be upon all those whom there is a covenant tied in the
retract/go back on their
Covenant with Allah which
neck of every person which
was taken upon them in the