The Powers of Hearth (Heart) and Soul (Soil)
by Yasmine Fatemi
power, depending on how much he is willing
to develop his inner self.
Water- seeds- everything in nature can read
our energy thoughts and communicates with
our consciousness through our
Superconductor-DNA cells and molecules, our
spirit and the plants/waters spirit. All of the
spirit and consciousness in nature, so when
we ingest an active ingredient of any plant
you are interacting with the spirit which is
active in a parallel world, their presence here
as a physical manifestation is only a small part
of who they are, sort of the mirror existence
or world to ours.
“This mud body is clear epiphany.
Angels wish they could move as I move.
Purity? Cherubim babies long for my
Courage? Armies of demons flee my uplifted
Seeds Of Creation
It has been said that by working the soil it is
possible to do in a few years what would take
nature thousands of years to accomplish.
Intensive soil cultivation and the addition of
proper soil amendments can aggregate sandy
soil to give it more crumb or open heavy lime
marls to give them more porosity. In both
instances, when the proper soil consistency is
maintained, the soil is said to have ‘heart’.
Among soils, only alluvial clay loams have this
‘heart’ naturally. Clay is the heart of ‘heart’ in
the soil. All things being equal, however, clay
has a great potential to establish heart in the
soil since it is absorptive, plastic and
chemically dynamic when trying to overcome
soil deficiencies.
Alkalinity also works against soil porosity;
gypsum is often added because its sulfur
content connected to the calcium (lime)
brings the pH closer to neutral. This
encourages heart in clay. Through proper
plant rotations, the application of rock
powders, compost and very careful tillage, a
farmer can turn clay into soil in a number of
years. This is how Man has the natural ability
within himself to transform from one state
into another, by cultivation of his properties,
for development of the ‘Soul’; It is the essence
of his nature.
In a garden however, it is possible to greatly
accelerate this process by employing
homeopathy and an intensive tillage system.
Clay soil worked in this way can turn from
dense fire clay (kaolin) to porous garden loam
in a year and half of systematic work.
The key to bringing out the best in the clay is
rhythms of substances that are being induced